I found great ideas for the setup of the journal from The Red Headed Hostess. She sells several great versions of journals now but if you want to make your own, here are her setup instructions.
I started with composition notebooks when Target had them for $0.50 before school started.
I covered the front and back of the notebooks with scrapbook paper using mod podge.
Then I printed the four quotes from The Red Headed Hostess' setup PDF on label paper and stuck them on the inside cover. I printed off the setup instructions as well as this Book of Mormon/Cell Phone handout from MormonShare.
I wrapped up each journal with tulle ribbon and a bright marking pen (found those in 6 packs for $1.00 at Goodwill!).
I set up my own journal like this about a year ago complete with her topics, page numbers and table of contents. I used a leather bound journal as I want mine to last a while. Writing down what I'm learning and insights has made a difference in what I get out of the scriptures.
If you want other scripture study ideas, check out The Red Headed Hostess. Her site is FULL of ideas, printables, how to mark your scriptures, etc.

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