This year on July 25th we listened to Christmas music and read Christmas books. We even watched The Grinch.
Then we made a gingerbread house.
I'd wanted to make these Borax crystal snowflake ornaments so I thought this would be the perfect time.
I saw the snowflakes when Jim Noonan "Professor Figgy" showed their kits on the Martha Stewart show. You can find the directions here on Martha's site. You can also buy the kit from the Professor Figgy website with everything included.
First we made the shapes with pipe cleaners.
My son mixed everything up.
Then we hung the pipe cleaners from sticks in the solution. They have to sit for around 12 hours. And I learned the hard way not to have the pipe cleaners touching the solution that settles on the bottom. That part won't crystalize.
Here are our finished snowflakes.

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