Thursday, December 31, 2009

Church Christmas Party

I am the head of the Activities Committee at my church which means I organized our Christmas party this year. Luckily, I had a great committee who all stepped up so I didn't have to do everything myself.

Since we live in Texas, we picked a "White Christmas" theme thinking we don't ever have one (but we actually did this year!). Anyway, we cut out lots of these tissue paper "snowballs" and hung them from the ceiling.
A gal at my church threw together 18 of these snowflakes from cutting them out of felt then spraying them with stiffy and glitter. Then we set them on fake snow with white lights underneath.
The inspiration for the hanging snowballs came from a party we threw several years ago with a "Candyland" theme. We cut (and recruited many others to cut) out hundreds of snowflakes and strung them from the ceiling.
We cut out large paper shapes to line the walls.
Even a wall of lollipops.
Then I created an activity/coloring place mat for the tables and we supplied them all with crayons.
It was a fun party theme and the kids loved it but, it was a LOT of work. So, we simplified it with our White Christmas theme this year and it was just as nice.

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  1. I know I'm really late on this one--but this looks GREAT and totally doable. What great ideas! I wish I could be Activities Chair ;)

  2. I just started reading your blog because I love to send stuff in the mail and I saw this picture and me and my sister got really excited and made everyone look and see because that looks like an LDS gym =D
