Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas Goodies

To thank everyone who helped out with our church Christmas party, I whipped up several batches of those cookie dough truffles I can't get enough of. I packaged them up with the snowflake tags I made last year and delivered them a week after the party.

As far as other Christmas baking went, it didn't. The last few years I've spent a week in the kitchen making all different things, timing them so they'll be fresh when I or my husband are ready to deliver them, making tags, tying ribbons and having my table covered with plastic wrap & cellophane bags and I just wasn't up for that this year. I have a million other things on my mind (more on that later) so I simplified. I made several batches of "Puppy Chow" (aka Chex covered in chocolate, peanut butter and powdered it what you will) and threw them in bags with these toppers I bought at Hobby Lobby. It was quick, easy and didn't need to be "fresh daily."

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1 comment:

  1. what a great idea! maybe i will do this next year instead of pans and pans of fudge! your decorations for the party are super cute and LOVE the lollipop wall. erin's blanket is adorable too!!! love the black/pink/white combo!
