Monday, September 26, 2011

Fall Bucket List

We had such good success with our Summer Bucket List (click here to see it) that we decided to make a fall one as well.  It really got us out the door and we did things we'd wanted to do but didn't always think about doing. 

Here's our fall bucket list poster.  I filled in each shape and letter with things on our list that we want to do this fall and when we do them, the kids get to color in that shape or letter.  It's perfect for my little ones who don't quite read yet. 

A few items on our fall list are:
  • rake leaves and jump in them
  • bake bread
  • visit a pumpkin patch
  • go apple picking
  • bake a pie
  • make applesauce
  • go trick-or-treating
  • throw a fall party
  • throw a Halloween party
  • go camping
  • nature scavenger hunt
  • leaf rubbings
  • apple painting/printing
  • collect acorns
  • make apple cider donuts
  • go for a bike ride
  • perform a secret service
  • Thanksgiving thankful tree
  • plant spring bulbs
  • check out fall books from library
  • make caramel apples
  • go to a fall festival
  • make a scarecrow
  • carve pumpkins
  • toast pumpkin seeds
  • make popcorn balls
  • go to a farmer's market
  • I also listed several local, specific museums and places we want to visit.  Can't wait to get it all colored in!


  1. can you just throw together one of these for me? you draw so amazingly well!!!

  2. Wow I came across you via Tipjunkie. I love this idea and may try it as well. However, I don't think I can do the artwork. Maybe I can cut out little leaves, hang them and take them down as we do them. Thanks for the idea.
