Saturday, June 13, 2009

Birth Announcement

I am SO lucky to have creative friends. My friend, Stacy, created birth announcements for both my son and my new daughter. Incidentally, the week she delivered the announcements for my baby girl for me to mail out, I found out that the one she created for my son had won a contest. Parents Magazine asked for handmade birth announcements over a year ago to be featured in their magazine. I mailed in one that she made for my son and forgot all about it. They contacted me recently and told me that his would be featured in their July issue. So, go buy the July issue and turn to page 69! You can click here to see my original post and pictures of his announcement. Here's the article in Parents....

Here's the recent announcement that she made for my Little Miss Paige. I smeared the last name.We picked four pictures and she put them on a scalloped circle that you turn and view each picture through a cutout circle. She printed a green and white stripe on the back and made up a lavendar pattern on the front that matched my nursery colors. She also printed lavendar return address labels and punched them out with my EK Success scallop punch. You can check out her creative ideas that she and her friend post at the 2cleverblog. Thanks again....with a newborn and a two year old I never would have done something that elaborate!

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