Sunday, July 19, 2009

More Baby Gifts!

I've posted about some of the creative hand-made baby gifts I've gotten for my baby girl over the last three months and now I have even more to post about! I'm lucky to have such thoughtful friends.

My friend, Becky, made this cute hooded blanket for her.

My friend, Linda, made this beautiful quilt and the colors match the nursery!

My friend, Shannon, made these binky chains for her upon my request. She also made this one for my son when he was born.

My friend, Heather, crocheted these dainty booties and this afghan. I'm not sure what kind of yarn she used but it is so soft. Again, love the lavender! She sewed this ragged quilt and some matching burp cloths for my son when he was born.

Last, but certainly not least, here's a bootie that my dad crocheted.My dad crocheted and he made afghans, stuffed animals and all sorts of booties. He died when I was five so the things he crocheted have become coveted items among my siblings. We each have a pair or two of booties that he crocheted. My mom divided them up a few years ago and I picked out this pair of "Converse High Tops."
I used them for my son but they didn't fit his big feet very long. When all of the booties had been given out, there was this lone mary jane with a pink sock. I took it because I thought it was cute and because I thought maybe I'd try out his patterns one day. I SO wish I had the other one because it actually fits her chunky foot. But, I just have the one and I'll treasure it just the same. My mom actually found his patterns recently and told me I could try them out so we'll see if I get around to it. What a wonderful gift to leave his grandchildren.

Here's my first post about baby gifts and a post about some booties a friend made when I was still early pregnant with her.


  1. My mom is making that same quilt for my daughter Anderison just in different colors. I can't wait to get it.

  2. Amy, you need to change the name of your blog from "sometimes creative" to "ALWAYS creative!" I've just spent the last 30 minutes drooling over your darling ideas. Next time I need an idea for something, anything, I'll start by looking here. You are amazing!
