Sunday, October 16, 2011

Hanging Ghosts

I saw some hanging ghosts in the Pottery Barn Kids catalog and figured I'd just make my own.  I bought some cheesecloth and went to buy styrofoam spheres and changed my idea just a little.  Did you know those spheres are $15-20 EACH???  I wanted 8 and 10 inch ones so I just bought the disc size instead for a more reasonable $5-8 each.  I started out with the foam discs, white cotton, cheesecloth, hot glue, fishing line and black foam.
My mom and I sat down one afternoon and created four ghosts to hang on our front porch.  I covered the discs in white cotton, then a layer or two of cheesecloth.  My mom strung them on fishing line then we cut strips into the fabrics to have them sway in the breeze.  I cut shapes out for eyes and mouths and glued them on.  The kids were ever so helpful in cutting the black foam scraps into little tiny pieces.  They love to practice cutting!  The ghosts were quick, easy and much cheaper than the $59 Pottery Barn version.  Okay, so theirs lit up.  Big deal!  Still not worth the price in my book.
Here they are hanging on the porch.  They sway great but twist quite a bit so I need to add faces to the other sides as well.  Now that they've been outside a week, the hanging strips are weathered and they look great!