Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Kiddie Car Wash

I saw the idea for the kiddie car wash in Family Fun Magazine and since their website had all the plans I knew it would be easy to make. 

And it was.

For my husband.

I emailed him the plans one afternoon and asked him to stop by Home Depot on his way home and get the supplies.  I half expected him to laugh at me and tell me I was crazy but he came home with the supplies and built it that night.  Yep, that's why I love him.  Best. Dad. Ever.
Anyhoo, I did the decorating and instead of lawn chair strips like they suggested, I just bought plastic table cloths and cut them into strips.  Then, I embellished it with a couple of pool noodles.  And this thing has been the hit of the summer.  The kids all went nuts for this basically glorified sprinkler.  We've pulled it out several times since and they always have a blast.  He glued a couple of pieces and opted for a brass connector for the hose but otherwise, we can break it down pretty easily for next year.  Now, go build one.

1 comment:

  1. I showed this to my husband (so he could make it for our kids) and he says I should have married yours.
    You are pretty lucky! It is too cute.
