Sunday, June 7, 2009

4th of July Cards

I love to send out greeting cards. Before I had kids I sent them for every holiday....Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, 4th of July, Halloween, and Thanksgiving. I think I like to send mail because I LOVE to get mail. Don't you? Anyway, with the summer arriving, I thought I'd post some of the 4th of July cards I've made and sent in the past. Even if you don't send for the other holidays, this is a good mid-year time to keep in touch with friends and family. I also have sent some of these off to soldiers who are serving overseas. I use the Any Soldier website to get addresses to send them to. They hand out packages, letters and cards to soldiers who do not get mail regularly from home.

I made about 50 of these one year and mailed them to soldiers.
This is a picture of my dog when she was a puppy. It took about 50 shots to get her to stop wiggling and hold the flag just right. I had the pictures printed 3 1/2 x 5 and mounted them on red cardstock. For the message, I just sent 8 1/2 x 11 cardstock through the printer and then cut it in half.
For this one I mounted a picture of the Statue of Liberty I took while in NYC onto some navy cardstock. Then I printed song lyrics and mounted them on the inside.
I organized a card swap a few years ago and we used to get together once a month and make and swap handmade cards. Here are a few that others made one year.


  1. Those are soo cute! I so wish we lived closer. Nobody around here wants to do these kinds of things with me and it's so much more fun with friends.
