Sunday, June 28, 2009

100th Post Giveaway!

For my 100th post on this creative blog I'm celebrating with a giveaway. The winner will receive a dozen cards handmade by moi! You'll get four of each of these three designs. I've left the insides blank so you can use them for note cards, birthdays or thank yous. To be entered in the giveaway:

  • Leave a comment here and tell me your favorite creative that I've posted about on this blog.
  • Contest ends Wednesday, July 1st at midnight.
  • I'll draw a winner Thursday morning.
  • Open to those with a U.S. address only.

    Here are a few other cards I made while I was on a roll.


  1. My very favorite post that you have done...hmmm...there are so many! I absolutely fell in love with the circus peanut idea on the last day of school "Go Nuts!" Brilliant!

    I remember around Valentines Day you wrapped up some sugar cookie dough and frosting to give away to friends. What a simple, awesome, wonderful gift! Loved it!

  2. It is so hard to chose just one thing that I loved! You are so creative and I am impressed by everything you do!

    Since I have to just pick one thing, I would have to say the matching baby gifts (letters, blocks, and cards). Those were absolutely adorable!!

  3. I love most everything you put on here, and wish I was as creative as you are! I have stolen a couple different ideas from you.

    The Popsicles wrapped up with a bow...I used that idea and gave them as party favors last year for Tatum's birthday. LOVED IT! So cheap and easy!

    My sister wanted to make me some burp clothes for Cooper. I sent her your link so she could use some of your simple ideas to make them. She has made me 4 so far and I love them! She is not quite as fast as you are on them...not sure why???

    Thanks for all your great ideas and sharing them with us all!!

  4. I love all your ideas and I enjoy your originality so much. This is the first time I've commented but I've followed you for a bit now.
    My favorite post so far would have to be the tutu you made. I have already made one for my 3 year old's birthday party and am planning on making one for my soon to-be one year old. I had looked at them for $30 at a boutique. With your help, I made my own for about $6- thanks!

  5. Well I'm new to your blog but I just love it! I've spent a lot of time looking at previous posts you have done. I really like the black and white book you made for your son. You said you would e-mail the file to anyone that wants it. I don't know if you still have it but I would love it. I've been trying to find something that would help my son be quite in church and I think that just might do it. Thanksfor sharing all your ideas!

  6. I love all of your ideas. I just wish I could do them all. I love the handprints that you did of your son.
    I also love the gifts that you made for your husband for father's day.

  7. I have to pick only one?! Right now I'm loving the burp cloths that you made. What a great idea!!

  8. Of course I love everything you do but I really liked the baby shower Bingo cards and the baby flash cards (maybe because these were a couple of the few things I could recreate. Everything else you make is so far out of my talent pool) You are so gifted.

  9. It's such a fun blog - thank you for sharing your creativity!
    My favorite is the 2nd Birthday - love it!

  10. I LOVE your Yankee Doodle Missionary Box and every other post you have made. You are amazing. I always wish I could be a fly on the wall in your home and watch the magic you do. I LOVE your cards!

  11. I LOVE all your cute ideas and can't believe you have the time to do them. I just used your otter-pops idea yesterday for the ladies I V.T. I also LOVE your flashcards you made with pictures of family members. I'm planning on making those soon. Pick me!!Pick me!! :)
