Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I read Becky Higgins' blog here and there and last year I saw this idea that she does with her kids and decided to copy it. She makes a canvas print of their handprint each year on their birthday. I started last year with my son's first birthday and did his second one this week. They are up in his bedroom on top of his bookshelf for now but I envision a play room eventually with all of my kids' handprints on a wall. Oddly, they don't look all that different in size, maybe he smudged more last year??? His one year is on the right and his two year is on the left. The canvases are 5" square and inexpensive. I'll need to move up sizes next year but these work for now. I used acrylic paints I had on hand and will change colors each year. We tried several attempts on both of these before he held his hand still so I settled on these prints after not wanting to repaint the backgrounds again.