Thursday, February 26, 2009

Map Mural

I wanted to stick with an airplane theme for my son's new bedroom but didn't want airplane bedding (too busy for me) and didn't want blue walls with white clouds (too preschool for me.) So, we painted his room a neutral color and I painted the map of the world (minus Antarctica) on one wall. I just outlined the continents and filled them in solid as I'm in my third trimester of pregnancy and wasn't up for spending a week on the wall. I also didn't want it to look too busy. Then my husband hung vintage metal airplanes from the ceiling.I plan on going back this weekend and painting a compass rose in the corner and labeling the major oceans in a small font. It's too hard to do during the week with a two year old "helping" me out.


  1. Did you find a stencil for the continents? This is so awesome!

    1. Thanks, Sara. I used an overhead projector to get the image onto the wall.
