Saturday, January 10, 2009


I am the queen of unfinished projects. Seriously. Wish I weren't but that's just the truth. I saw another blog where a gal's new years resolution was to finish projects she had started. So, I've added that to my list of goals. I'm in the process of clearing out my craft room to change it into a "big boy" room for my son before my new baby comes. And it is a process...what to keep, what to toss. Hard decisions.

Anyway, in clearing it out I've found several unfinished projects that I need to work on including: finishing crocheting another baby afghan for my new nephew, wooden blocks for my sister's nursery, refinishing paper mache letters for a friend's daughter's room, a box that looks like a stack of envelopes (you'll see what I mean when it's finished), burp cloths that are cut out but not sewn, a few sewing projects, eye spy bags and more. I'm hoping to finish these up before the baby comes. I'll post pics as I finish and hopefully that will free up some time to make some new things for the baby like some cute burp cloths, a blessing dress, and painting some cute pictures for her walls. Not to mention decorating my son's new "big boy" room.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. YOU CAN DO IT! That was one of my goals last year and I did pretty good on it.... I need to make it a goal again this year but it was nice to get some stuff done finally!

    I love Blog stocking your blog you have so many cute ideas! I hope you don't mind!
